Rules of Procedure

Rule 1: Membership

The ARCMoW Executive Committee shall be composed as stated in Article 11 of the Constitution.

Rule 2: Functions

2.1 The Executive Committee shall prepare the agenda for ARCMOW Assembly.

2.2 The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the planning, organisation, implementation, and monitoring of the work programmes approved by the ARCMoW General Assembly.

2.3 Where a need arises, the executive may co-opt a member(s) of a national committee to undertake a specific task(s) on behalf of ARCMoW. The co-opted member(s) shall then be a member(s) of the Executive Committee for that particular session.

Rule 3: Sessions

The Executive Committee shall meet twice a year. The President may summon extraordinary sessions when necessary.

Rule 4: Voting

4.1 Each member of the Executive Committee has one vote.

4.2 Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of the members present.

4.3 In case of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.

Rule 5: Quorum

5.1 The presence of half plus one of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.

5.2. Attendance at meetings is obligatory. Any member who is absent without an apology for two consecutive meetings shall be relieved of his position.

Rule 6: Functions of the President and Vice-Presidents

6.1 The President shall declare the opening and closing of meetings, direct discussions, ensure observance of these Rules of Procedure, accord members the right to speak, put a motion to the vote, announce decisions, rule on points of order, control the proceedings and maintain order. In addition, the President and the Vice President for Finance shall be responsible for resource mobilisation.

6.2 The President, in consultation with the Vice-President(s) shall rationally allocate portfolios. (refer to Appendix A regarding the functions of the Executive Committee).

The Vice Presidents are as follows:

6.2.1 Finance and Marketing

6.2.2 Communication and Information

6.2.3 Training and Regional Register

6.3 In the absence of the President, the Executive Committee shall select one of the Vice Presidents to preside and carry out the President’s responsibilities.

6.4 If the office of President becomes vacant, the ARCMoW Executive Committee will designate a replacement to fill the office until the next general meeting of ARCMoW, at which a new President shall be elected.

Rule 7: Subsidiary bodies

7.1 In order to undertake ARCMoW’s programmes, the Executive Committee may establish such ad-hoc subcommittees or task teams as it considers necessary and practical from time to time.

7.2 The ad-hoc subcommittees or task teams may be terminated after the task has been completed and a report tabled to the Executive Committee.

7.3 The Executive Committee is also required to report to the General Assembly the outcome of such subsidiary bodies / subcommittees.

Rule 8: The Secretariat

8.1 The Secretariat shall consist of such staff as may be required and be supported by the host institution. Its location shall follow the country of the incumbent.

8.2 The Secretary General shall act as the executive head of the Secretariat responsible to the President.

8.3 The Secretariat shall administer and be the custodian of all properties of ARCMoW, including administrative and financial records.

8.4 The Secretary General shall present an administrative report to each ordinary session of ARCMoW.

8.5 All correspondence should be directed to and emanate from the office of the Secretary General.

8.6 Membership and administrative matters will be dealt with by the Secretary General.

8.7 The General Secretariat prepares the documents for the meetings of the Executive Committee.

Rule 9: Budget and Finance

9.1 The Executive Committee shall prepare the biennial budget and present to the ARCMoW General Assembly for approval.

9.2 On behalf of the Executive Committee, the Vice President for Finance may receive any donations, gifts, bequests and endowment / subsidy from international, regional, sub-regional and other organisations, foundations, institutions and associations or from individuals.

9.3 At each renewal of the position of President, the Vice-President in charge of Finance and two (2) members of the local staff of the host institution will open, in collaboration and co-management with the National Commission for UNESCO of the country of the President, a bank account in that State.

9.4 This National Commission stated in 9.3. above, shall be the executing body for expenditure made from said bank account at the request of the Vice-President in charge of Finance, in accordance with the directives of the Executive Committee.

9.5 The Vice-President in charge of Finance will present to the Executive Committee an audited annual statement of accounts, a copy of which will be given to the members of ARCMoW during the general assembly.

9.6 The Executive Committee shall appoint a credible auditing firm to audit the books of account.

Rule 10: Replacement of Members

In the event where there occurs a vacant position in the Executive Committee, it shall be filled by the remaining members until the next general assembly of ARCMoW.

Rule 11: Working Language

The working languages are the working languages ​​of UNESCO with mandatory English and French.

Rule 12: Amendments

Proposal for amendments to these rules shall receive the approval of the Executive Committee by a simple majority before submission to the next general assembly of ARCMoW for consideration and final approval.